33 Talent Candidate Resources

3 Reasons Why Post-CNY is the Best Time To Find a Job

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Lunar New Year is associated with new beginnings and fresh starts. Coupled with the bravery of the Tiger, here are 3 reasons why you should be looking for a job right now:

1. Your Post-Vacation Resolutions

Red packets have been handed out, the yushengs are cleaned up, and people are back at their (work-from-home) desks. Although hiring is a year-long process, most job searches start right after a vacation. Candidates have taken the time to truly reflect on what they value in their career, their achievements in the past year, and more importantly, where they want to be by the end of this year. 

It might be tempting to set out a resolution and leave it at that, but studies have found that you’re more likely to actually achieve your goal by following the SMART method: making sure your resolutions are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-specific. This model is often used to generate efficiency in organisations, but it also transforms abstract goals into more concrete action plans (like finding your purpose).

2. The Hiring Surge from February to May

It’s not only candidates that are setting goals for the new year...employers are too. It's known that decision-makers are likely to make quick and resolute judgements after more relaxed vacation seasons - especially when it comes to resourcing new projects. The end of the financial year in March also means companies will be finalising their budgets and personnel plans in the coming weeks. This is a perfect moment to reconnect with recruiters, hiring managers, or those within your network and remind them you’re on the search. In addition, the beginning of the year usually sees much of the delayed hiring activity from the past year be put into action. By expressing your enthusiasm and availability, hiring managers will likely remember you when the backlog of jobs need to be urgently filled. Take the time to update your CV, refine your personal brand on LinkedIn, and do research on what to expect in the industry.

It is also common for businesses to use the start-of-year hiring push as an opportunity to upskill and promote certain members of the team. By providing employees with the opportunity to step up and take a more varied role, other vacancies will be opening up. Whether this is a permanent or contract role, throwing new hires into ‘the deep end’ is a way for some employers come to assess whether temporary hires will ultimately join the business as a permanent member of staff. The important thing to remember is that when opportunities are scarce, staying active and being flexible to new possibilities is what pays off. Though there might be more competition during these months, it's also when some of the best jobs are on the market.

3. Resources, resources, resources!

2021 has seen employer branding gain increasing importance within the recruitment industry. This means that it’s not just candidates that must impress during the hiring process, but companies are also investing time and energy to demonstrate why they’re the best place to work over their competitors. A large facet of employer branding lies in organisations being more authentic, transparent, and empowering. Whether this is by publishing a salary guide with detailed benchmarks or hosting online development sessions, employers want candidates to have all the tools available to find their best-suited role. Take advantage of these resources and be proactive in areas that you can - the early bird catches the worm!

Read 3 Changes Jobseekers Should Prepare For In A Post-Pandemic World, According to Recruiters

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