68% of our survey respondents found stress levels are higher than usual.

Right now it is more important than ever that you have the support you need to be the best leader you can be.

To lead your team through today’s uncertainties, you first need to look after yourself.  Have you got the focus you need to lead effectively?  Are you working on your resilience and mental strength?  Do you need a safe space to release the stress and worries that you’re carrying?  Are you growing?

A coach will support you through the tough times as well as preparing you for the future.  Now is the time to work on your leadership skills, your resilience, your focus so that you can handle what is put in front of you today and be best place to succeed tomorrow.

Research conducted by the International Coaching Federation has identified that 55% of businesses now include coaching as part of their Leadership Development Programmes.

We are offering access to our professional coaching program with a one hour discovery session free of charge with ICF accredited coaches Kathryn Woof our Managing Director, or Cat Muspratt-Williams our Head of Coaching.

Kathryn Woof, ICF accredited, ACC certified

I have experience in career coaching, performance coaching, and own & lead a consultancy in the HR sector.  I trained for my ICF coaching accreditation in 2018. I have worked with individuals on personal improvement and with businesses during times of transformation and change.  

Book with Kathryn

Cat Muspratt-Williams, ICF accredited

 I am a strong believer in authenticity. My focus is on working with people to explore and discover their true selves and to identify their purpose, to help them perform at their best and to accomplish the goals they set for themselves and their work. 

Book with Cat