This year, our team challenge was to drastically reduce our plastic waste in our office, so we’ve listed 4 simple things that we do every day in our office, that are good for the environment and give you that feel good factor for reducing your own personal environmental footprint - win win!
Earth Day is coming up this weekend, and the theme for 2018 is 'End Plastic Pollution' so we’d love your office to join us in the challenge or let us know what other tips you have for reducing waste in the office.
1.Reusable coffee cups
If you’ve got a pantry in your office with washing facilities, there’s literally no excuse for using disposable coffee cups every day. We all love takeaway coffee, but invest in a Keep-Cup (or any other brand you like!) for you and your colleagues. Plus with all those mismatched colours you’re going to look so jazzy walking back to the office after that 3pm coffee run.
2. Reusable food containers
If you can’t dine-in at lunch, you can request for your takeaway in your own food container (again, you can store and wash this in your office pantry). Some F&B employees are surprised at the request, but they’ll usually agree and the best ones will even thank you for saving the environment, which is feel good for everyone involved (hey Grain Traders!)
3. Recycling
Unfortunately our co-working office doesn’t have recycling facilities, so we have a box in the corner of our office space that we can put all our waste paper and other cardboard recyclables in, and we then send it to “Shred-It” every 3-6 months who (as the name suggests) shred it and then recycle. An added bonus is that they they help us comply with data protection laws, so we can be sure none of our documents are getting into the wrong hands.
4. Send facebook messages to F&B outlets about their plastic use
This one is for the keyboard warriors out there! We’ve taken to messaging outlets on Facebook to ask them if they are willing to reduce their plastic use. Of course you can also ask the staff while you are in the outlet, but messaging outlets on Facebook means their owner/marketing person (the people with decision making power) will see that you as a consumer are concerned about the environment, and the more of us do it, the more likely those outlets are to change their behaviour.